Clinic Department

Clinic Department

The medical clinic was established with the advent of the establishment of the university in 2009, and it has worked since its inception to provide health, medical, therapeutic and counseling services to all students and employees at the university.

Clinic doctor

Wael Smadi


Seeking Excellence in health services and their development to enhance the position of the university, in terms of the continuous development of the health center of qualified medical staff with high experience and the use of modern medical devices for the benefit of patients, to rise to the highest levels required by the medical profession.


To offer high-quality, comprehensive and ongoing health and therapy services to students and university staff in order to promote the health of individuals and society, and to give students and staff a link to the best private and public hospitals.

Strategic objectives :

  1. Developing the clinic so that it becomes a comprehensive health center, comparable to other centers.
  2. Developing the pharmacy by increasing the types of drugs and introducing a computer system to control the disbursement of drugs, expiration dates and credits.
  3. Developing the laboratory to include all necessary examinations and providing it with the latest equipment.

4.Upgrading health services.